Saturday, April 25, 2015

Well done

Great to see you all working on your projects, don't slow down now, much can happen in a week.
Remember to email or ring if you need any advise, my details are on the brief handout.

I am excited to see your final self-portraits (._.) ƪ(‘-‘ ƪ)(ʃ ‘-‘)ʃ (/._.)/

Monday, April 20, 2015


You need to come to the home room at 9:00am on Friday the 1st of May with your final print ready to install and pins to hang with.

Below is an itemised list of what you need on Blogger for an A grade:

Class tasks 40%= there are approximately 19 class tasks in all.

Self-portrait project 60%= Learning values, research, application, experimentation, contextualisation, evaluation and presentation (42 hours in total)

Class tasks addressing Learning Outcomes, 40% of final grade.
(All class tasks are on Rebecca’s Blogger to demonstrate what is required.)
Learning Outcomes
Toi object
Image of your object and two words that describe what art means for you.

Time management
Calender that marks/plans out your weekly timetable for the term

Learning Values
Tabloid title explaining Learning Values

Picture representing surface research

Haiku 575 explaining application

Bumper sticker reminding you of evaluation

Paper planes task, showing experimentation process.

Picture representing in-depth research

Class worksheet

Class field trip

5 Wrong images
Wrong WB setting, over exposed image, under exposed image, an image that is all blurry.

Take an image with a shallow DOF, only one element needs to be in focus.

Take an image with a deep DOF, everything needs to be in focus.

Take an image that freezes movement.

Take an image that has an isolate blur effect.

Take three images of one object with three different vantage points.

Fore-mid and background
Take an image where the subject is in the foreground.

Take an image where the subject is in the mid-ground.

Take an image where the subject is in the background.

Take an image that utilizes the rule of thirds.

Find an image that you think will benefit from the cropping process. Crop image and display before and after in the Blogger kete.

Take an image that utilizes dominating horizontal and vertical lines.

Take an image that utilizes dominating diagonal line.

Take an image that utilizes elements to lead the eye to the subject.

Take an image that has two textures that are juxtaposed in the one frame.

Take an image that fills the frame with pattern.

Take an image that then breaks this pattern.

Take an image that utilises repetition.

Take an image that utilizes direct light.

Take an image that utilizes diffused light.

Take an image that utilizes reflected light.

Take an image that utilizes contrasting colour

Take an image that utilizes complementary colour

Take an image that utilizes harmonious colour

Self Portrait Project is 60% of final grade and needs to reflect class time, for example 42 hours of contact hours have been completed by the end of week 7.
Learning Values
Demonstrate an appreciation of creative processes and apply thinking and making skills.

Source, explore and begin to critically apply a range of information in support of developing studio skills.

Produce a required number of visual arts outcomes that demonstrate competence in skills and techniques.

Demonstrate the ability to express and evaluate ideas and processes being investigated.

Experiment with a variety of techniques and skills associated with making

Demonstrate an understanding of the contextual frameworks that are present within the student’s work.

Present resolved studio works in an appropriate manner.

Learning Centre Information

What if I need other help?
Drop-in visits to the helpdesk
Daily 11:00 to 14:30. No appointment needed
Individual appointments with a learning advisor
Phone / email / come to reception to make a 30 minute appointment. Bring a hard copy of your question and your draft.
Group appointments with a learning advisor
Phone /email / come to reception to make an hour-long appointment. Bring a hard copy of your question and your draft

Do you need extra help with studies, the learning Centre is a free service for all MIT students. or 09 968 8000 extension 8120


You can do amazing things with colour and light, just look at these photographers:

David LaChapelle

Gregory Crewdson

Martin Parr

Philip Lorca Dicorcia


Follow this link for more information on colour in photography

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Look at the doll's face to see the difference in light affects

Direct and diffused light

Can you tell which image uses direct and which uses diffused light?

Direct and diffused light in nature

Your context

You can use these questions to help find your own contextual framework
Christian Thompson Howl Your Troubles 2011
C-type print
100 x 100 cm

 Follow this link to find out more about this work
Christian Bumbarra Thompson is a Bidjara man of the Kunja Nation from Central West Queensland

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Tēnā koutou,
I hope that you get time to hang with whānau and eat lots of chocolates over this long weekend. 
Remeber to use the two weeks wisley and you are welcome to contact me via email if you have any questions.
ngā mihi Rebecca