Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Your final self-directed project is due at 9:00am tomorrow.
Please put your clip on the VisArts server>Hobbs>Handin AND on your Blogger.

Remember to bring $5.00 for Pizza, so Rebecca can

organise for our 1:30 shared lunch.

EVERYTHING for the paper is due at 1:30pm tomorrow.

Monday, June 22, 2015

This is our last week, use your time wisely, much can happen in this time

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Self-directed updates

We have only one week left.
Your final self-directed project is due at 9:00am Friday the 26th.

(Bring $5.00 for Pizza, so Rebecca can organise for our 2:00pm screening.)

EVERYTHING is due at 2:00pm Friday the 26th.

(Remember that class tasks are worth 40% of the mark and your final self-directed project is worth 60% of you final mark.)

Rebecca will not be at MIT on Monday the 22nd, but will be here on Friday for hand-in.

Task 11 (final task)

Hollywood-style montage: shows a series of short shots, edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. (Above is an example from Rocky.)

Cross-cutting: technique used to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. (Above is an example from Inception)

Task 11: chose one of the above techniques and shot one sequence that uses either of the above techniques.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Self directed

Only two weeks left, please use your time wisely

Task ten

Diegetic vs. Non-Diegetic Link

Link to example

The task:
you need to do two sound recordings
#1. Omni directional: ambient sound recording
#2. Directional: dialogue

The sound clips can be short, they just need to show that you know how best to use the equipment.
The sound clips are now on the VisualArt$ server under hobbs>AA_sound>Recorder

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Don't slow down now, we only have a few weeks left to the semester

Your feedback

Here is an opportunity for you to give MIT your feedback on this course Lens Based Media, you can let us know you likes, dislikes, suggestions and concerns.
Follow this link

Task nine

Editing techniques:
Match cut
Rythmic relations
Spatial relations
Cut in/cut away
Jump cut

Please follow this link for more information

(choose one of these methods and make for task nine)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Self directed work.

Today was your day to receive formative feedback, if you missed this opportunity please download the form from EMIT and answer the questions as a guide for your progress to date. Your Blogger should evidence approx. 24 hours of self-directed work at this point in time.

Task eight

Continuity editing: shot a "Western" shootout scene: remember camera techniques (CU, WS, TS) camera movements, follow the three rules of continuity.

180 degree rule= every shot must stay on one side of your chosen axis of action

Shot reverse shot: See the below diagram, your camera needs to stay on one side of the axis of action, however it needs to be at an angle 

Eyeline match: the eyes of your subject look in the direction to the thing being looked at. For example if your subject looks down then the object in the next cute needs to be low in the frame.

Here is a link to a video that explains continuity in detail