Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Example presentation


Next Monday the 18th of April your presentation needs to be uploaded onto your Blogger page by 5:00pm.

The presentation needs to be approx. 10mins long and include approx. 10 slides.

You will present to the group either Tuesday or Friday in class time.

The presentation is your opportunity to communicate with the group what your semester long project will be and how you intend to address research, skills and application in this project.

You need to:

1. introduce your project: tell us broadly what you plan to do.

2. contextualise your project: explain what industry are you working in and what this means for your project.

3. have research that backs up your project: who have you been looking at to support your own way of working? What are other people doing that is similar? What and who's knowledge is supporting your own process?

4. explain the skills that are needed for your project: what tools, software, materials will you need?

5. Your planned outcome: where would we ideally see your project at the end of semester one?

You can use what ever material you like to present: videos, musics, images, objects, books, text, etc.

You do not need to show finished work or know 100% what you want to do.

Remember this is a forward looking event, it is a plan, a pitch or a set of goals that you will work towards for the rest of the class time.

Good luck and remember to practice

Thursday, April 7, 2016

TUNE to Don’t worry be happy
(An old song with different lyrics for our class theme song)  (just a thought)
by Joseph Tareis

Verse 1
Here’s a song that everyone knows
But these lyrics aren’t quite on the nose
but don't worry be happy
we made them up right here in our class
Photographic technologies is where it’s at
Don't worry, be happy
(Don't worry, be happy now)

do wop dobi wop dobidobi wopwop dobido  (Don’t worry)
wop wop dobi do  (Be happy)
Dobi dobi wop wop (Don’t worry be happy now)

do wop dobi wop dobidobi wopwop dobido  (Don’t worry)
wop wop dobi do  (Be happy)
Dobi dobi wop wop (Don’t worry be happy now)

Verse 2
We’re keeping this short, cause our time is tight
Working day, night and weekends just to get it all right
Makes you wonder if whats ya doin is worth this crap
maybe taking wicked mean selfies is where it’s at

we gonna be making our time here all about the biz
just to prove to our bloody selves that we won’t fizz
with Manaakitanga, Application and all our skills
we gonna blow this learning outcome with plenty of frills

do wop dobi wop dobidobi wopwop dobido  (Don’t worry)
wop wop dobi do  (Be happy)
Dobi dobi wop wop (Don’t worry be happy now)

do wop dobi wop dobidobi wopwop dobido  (Don’t worry)
wop wop dobi do  (Be happy)
Dobi dobi wop wop (Don’t worry be happy now)